Tuesday, October 18, 2005

"If I had a soul-vaporizing life-hammer, I'd hammer in the morning . . . but, I don't bitches."

So my job is no longer paralyzing. Did it get better? Yes and no. How is this possible? My ass got canned.

Again, you may ask, how could this happen? You are a brilliant, brilliant man!

Maybe so, but there was a bit of a mix-up and it was taken out on the temp. So it goes. There are obvious upsides and downsides to this new and exciting development.

The upsides:

1. No longer have to wake up early.
2. No longer have to take the train.
3. More time to download good, legal, Christian music.
4. Getting to know the squirrely regulars at my local cafe / free wi-fi place.
5. Dreaming up new and innovative ways to not eat.
6. More time to listen to the shitty records my editor sends me to review (except for the new Anthrax "Anthrology" - that thing is dope as fuck).
7. Bonnie Prince Billy makes more sense now.

The downsides:

1. Not getting paid to write this thing anymore.
2. One step closer to homelessness.
3. No paychecks (except for the ones I write to myself).
4. Lots of time to make lists.

Well, it's seven to four in favor of joblessness. God closed a window and opened a chimney flue. Suffices to say, I'll be spending most of my days applying to jobs for which I am hilariously underqualified, waiting for the temp agency to set me up with something else I'll hate, and drinking coffee. And if anybody knows about anything in the Chicago area, let me know doodz. Otherwise, look for the Paypal button, coming soon.


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