Monday, June 04, 2007

Prize Fighter Endeavors to Start a Flower Shop, But Then Just Punches Someone Instead

Yes, objects that go into their concepts always leave behind a remainder, an obscene protrusion into a alogical world - this is to say that objects always give their concepts the finger, but behind concepts' backs.

Yes, there is more thingness, there is always more thingness. There is always more thingness than you can handle, because things are giving you the finger behind your back. The tragedy, some philosopher said, is that you don't know what the finger looks like.

Give up on things? Before you go totally internal, they've given up on you, even before the always already. They piss on "always already." They're always already "always already," but even more so.

Give up on things? Who the fuck do you think you are?


Blogger Chris Santa Maria said...

Feel the finger. That is, hone your senses to the texture and size. This will break down it's locations of sentimentality. Moving forward with things, to and from -isms. It will receive and revive closeness. Neither running from you or anybody else. It cannot know.

4:56 PM  

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